Monday, October 20, 2008

Family pictures

I was going to take the kids to JC Penny's next month for family pictures, but I thought it might be fun (and cheaper) to have my mom take some pictures while she was here. She loves taking pictures and she has an awesome camera. It seemed like a good idea.

I forgot how much I hate doing family pictures. By the time I actually have everyone ready for pictures, I want to strangle each of my wonderful, little children. Then, they don't sit still and you can't get all of them to look at the camera and smile at the same time. Taking pictures at the park doesn't help either, because all the boys wanted to do was go play. So, they were bribed with lunch at McDonald's and cold, hard cash. That still didn't work very well.

This picture is so Andrew. He has so much energy I just don't know what to do with him!!

All Abbie really wanted to do was yank the bow off her head.

These are some of the better ones.


  1. Andrew is a character. You certainly have your hands full. I thought they turned out cute though.
