Sunday, November 22, 2009


Halloween is fun! I love getting the kids all dressed up (mostly because they love it!). Every year, Sara takes the kids to her work Halloween party. Her boss loves Halloween and throws a huge party. This year Sara just took the boys. I took some pictures of them while they were waiting for her to show up.

Here's Andrew sitting on the couch, bored. He was so cute, I just had to take a bunch of pictures!
He love his Spiderman blankie (and his thumb)!

Austin was ghostrider, but his mask was too big and kinda scary. The only time he wore it was to Sara's work Halloween party.

The boys got to dress up for school on Friday. Of course they can't wear masks, so Aaron painted Austin's face.

Abbie thought he was scary. Austin would hiss at her and she would run away crying. If he kept his mouth shut, then she was okay to look at him.

I took these pictures before the daycare halloween party. I had a few of the shots turned into cards, and sent them to my family back east.

Halloween finally arrived. Our ward had a trunk-or-treat, so we headed over there and took some more pictures, of course.

We had lots of fun this Halloween, but I'm glad it's over!!

Abbie's Birthday

The hard drive on my laptop got fried somehow a few months ago. I lost everything on it, including all my pictures from the last year and a half (I'm still mourning the loss). I have all the pictures on my desktop backed up, but never got around to backing up my laptop pictures. I only had it about a year and a half when it crashed. My wonderful brother-in-law, Sean, got my laptop up and running, so now it's time to start blogging again.

Thursday was Abbie's 2nd birthday, and we had her party on Saturday. She loves Dora. Sometimes she walks around saying/singing, "Du-du-du-du-du-Dora." Silly girl.

Getting ready for cake and ice cream.
Yay! Here's the cake. Abbie blew out the candles in the middle of the birthday song, so I had to light them again so my sister could get a good action shot.

The kids were very excited for cake and ice cream. It's so much fun sugar jacking other people's kids!

I think Abbie enjoyed her cake the most...or she just made the biggest mess!

Once the cake mess was cleaned up, it was time to open presents. I think Aaron and I went a little overboard on Dora...Dora movie, Dora hat and gloves, Dora pajamas, Dora book, Dora toothbrush, Dora washcloth. Oh well. She loved them (especiall the hat!).

Happy Birthday, Abbie! It's hard to believe it's already been two years since you were ripped from my womb (with your Aunt Martha watching the whole operation...she thought it was awesome to watch my c-section, but I made her promise not to give me any grisly details!).