Here's Andrew sitting on the couch, bored. He was so cute, I just had to take a bunch of pictures!
Austin was ghostrider, but his mask was too big and kinda scary. The only time he wore it was to Sara's work Halloween party.
Once the cake mess was cleaned up, it was time to open presents. I think Aaron and I went a little overboard on Dora...Dora movie, Dora hat and gloves, Dora pajamas, Dora book, Dora toothbrush, Dora washcloth. Oh well. She loved them (especiall the hat!).
Happy Birthday, Abbie! It's hard to believe it's already been two years since you were ripped from my womb (with your Aunt Martha watching the whole operation...she thought it was awesome to watch my c-section, but I made her promise not to give me any grisly details!).